Nail DIY:Halloween Frankenstein Fingernails

Halloween Green Nail PolishHalloween Frankenstein fingernail how to guide and video tutorial- Learn how the pros paint nails with Halloween theme monsters. Follow this easy step by step tutorial and learn how to paint your nails like these pros have. Have fun and Happy Halloween! Getting Started: You will need this bright wonderful Halloween monster green that OPI nail polish offers in their Nicki Minaj collection. Available from Amazon (OPI Nicki Minaj Collection) Also you will need your choice of black nail polish for the monsters Frankenstein face features. I have picked out a great selection for you to choose from here. (Black Magic Nail Colors) And the final color is white for dotting the eyes.The next tool you will need is a simple toothpick and fine detail brush. I think the toothpick works the best since everyone has them.

Step #1.

Paint the base coat on first. Use the wonderful monster green you picked out. Let the base coat dry completely before you begin the next step.

Step #2.

Now once the base coat has dried, we begin to paint the tip of the finger nail with the black onyx nail polish of your choice. Star dabbing small blobs of paint in the center and side of the very tip of your nail. This will create the monsters hairline. Let the polish dry before moving on to the next step.

Step #3.

Dotting the monsters eyes with a detail brush, toothpick or dotting tool. Use the picture above for an example or watch the video for placement ideas. Let the color coats dry completely before moving onto the next step.

Step #4.

Using your detail brush or toothpick to paint a black semi strait line horizontal across the monsters face for the mouth. Let dry. Then add vertical lines across the strait black line you first made. These will be the stitches on Frankenstein's mouth. Use the picture above or the video for reference.

Step #5. 

Wait 15 min until you complete this step before applying your nail with a top coat
Congratulations on a job well done, you are finished! Enjoy

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